Hey chicks!
Hope you’re having a FAB day!
We’ve got a special post for you today from our amazing Chick Sergeant, Anna! Not only does this chick teach FIT CHICKS Bootcamp at our Don Mills location, but she is also an Astrologer with a Black Belt! Anna was kind enough to share a post on how thinking can affect your general well-being. So put those thinking caps on and start reading, chicks!
FIT CHICKS Chick Sergeant Guest Post: Quality Thinking Affects Well-Being
How much do you care about your self? Do you care enough to acknowledge how you feel every second you are alive? Paying attention to your feelings indicate to what degree you are experiencing wellness.
Living well requires you set the tone to attract Higher vibrations and achieve all the physical, mental and spiritual well-being that you were born to experience; setting the tone really means making a conscious choice to select quality food to feed your body and quality thoughts to feed your mind.
When you think a thought, this ‘thinking’ process activates a vibration which penetrates all time and space. The mind is the center of divine operation; mind is the Universal substance and the basis of all things.
The mind is made up of two modes of activity- the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind applies reasoning will directing and impressing the subconscious mind. It is imperative then to practice quality thinking (positive and harmonious) which the conscious mind uses to impress the subconscious mind, causing the things you think about to manifest.
Whether you are aware or not words and thoughts vibrate, sending signals to all your cells in your body. Did you know that you can think up to 60,000 thoughts a day? The key is to choose thoughts that are pro life and life affirming replacing negative thinking that can get influenced from outside factors. All your building power comes from within. You have complete control of the thoughts you think and the things you give attention to.
What are beliefs? Stop and think about that for a moment. Beliefs are composed of the type of thoughts you keep thinking. So, if the thoughts you think make up your belief system than a belief is just a thought you keep thinking. In other words a belief system is based upon your evaluation and perception of a situation.
To ensure you are sending healthy signals to your cells, it is important to pay attention to your inner dialogue particularly in times when harmony may appear as if it is not flowing easily. The only thing that matters is that you make certain that the thoughts you think are aligned with the whole, perfect, healthy, harmonious and loving being that you are.
All the cells in the body respond to your direction; the mind leads and energy follows. Begin to focus on quality words: thought, spoken or written and you will notice the improved state of wellness reflecting in all areas of your life.
A good mantra to repeat often is, “I am perfect, whole, healthy, harmonious, happy and well.” This sort of thinking and feeling is certain to give a corresponding effect. Repeat it until you imprint it, until it becomes habitual and automatic- it is who you really are.
PS: March sessions are in full swing and we’re so pumped to have you chicks sweating up a storm with us! Not signed up? Not to worry – April is just around the corner. Check out our website for more details!