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12lbs down, 16in lost & finding her workout motivation: Celebrating Jules fitness transformation!

Hey Chicks, We are on summer break this week (July Bootcamps start again July 6!) and like many of us when vacation hits,  we lose our workout motivation.  Don't get us wrong chick - you need to take a workout breaks at times but when you make fitness your LIFESTYLE and a habit your body craves, you can work it in to everyday no matter where you are. Don't stress if you have lost your motivation as we are here to pump you back [...]

It’s a double transformation: Celebrating sisters Julie & Marie’s fitness journey!

MAY CHICKS OF THE MONTH When the healthy sisterhood spreads, you have to CELEBRATE! And that is what this month's chick of the month is all about.  We are rocking not only 1 but TWO awesome, inspiring healthy transformation from FIT CHICK sisters & workout partners, Julie & Marie,from our Toronto North - Forest Hill Bootcamp. Turning their much loved sister time into "let's get active" sister time to help focus on their health, their results have been amazing. From losing weight & inches, increasing [...]

Celebrating 8 inches lost, 12 wks commitment & reaching goals: Karin’s fitness journey!

APRIL CHICK OF THE MONTH Hey Chicks, Spring has sprung and we are getting pumped up to start May classes, celebrate our last month indoors (plus save $80 off with code 'spring12"!) and have our  awesome health weekend at the FIT CHICKS Retreat May 29 -31.  So what do we do when we are happy?  Celebrate our Chick of the Month with Karin from our Toronto College & University Ave Bootcamp. Lara, the fierce Chick Sergeant from the Toronto College & University location, wrote in [...]

Gaining control over MS with healthy living: Celebrating Sandra’s fitness journey!

FEBRUARY CHICK OF THE MONTH Hey Chicks, We are about to wrap up February (and kick off our awesome March sessions on March 2!) and we know a lot of us are feeling like we may need a little winter pick me up.  Well, happy thoughts = healthy chicks and Feb's Chick of the Month, Sandra from our Calgary Dalhousie Bootcamp, is exactly the inspirational story to do just that! Tara Jo, the fierce Chick Sergeant from the Calgary Dalhousie location, wrote in to nominate [...]