Episode 18 – FIT CHICKS Chat: The 5 Must Knows about keeping your “healthy fats” healthy!

Hey Chicks,

We all know that we need to be consuming more healthy fats like nuts, seeds, oils and fish oil BUT did you know that if you don’t take care of these fats & oils properly, they aren’t doing your or your health any favors at all!

We heart fats (and you should too!) but if you don’t know how to use / take care of them it can equal nutrition disaster! (and the truth is most people are doing it all wrong!)

In this episode, Head Chick Laura puts on her nutrition cap and breaks downs the skinny on fats for you to revamp how you buy, store and eat this amazing macronutrient including:

  • What are the different types of fat and how each have an amazing role
  • What are the 3 factors that can turn your fats from health adding rockstar to rancid…and you are probably doing all of them wrong!
  • Exactly how you need to store your oils, seeds, butter and fish oil vitamins for max nutrition
  • Laura quizzes Amanda to see her fierce healthy fat knowledge….can you guess how well she does? 🙂

So get comfy and ready to listen! See below for details and click on the player to listen or subscribe to Itunes to download weekly



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Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo