Hey Chicks,
If you have thought about working in the fitness industry, are part of our Fitness & Nutrition Expert Program and just entering the fitness biz or have been training for a long time but looking for a new job, this is a must read for you! There are a few essential bodybuilding exercises that you will find on Iron Samurai site to focus on if you’re after serious bulk. While we have mentioned quite a few SARMs that help in treating breast cancer, if you are a woman and looking for building up your body, toning your muscles, and losing fat, you may want to try out a combination of Ligandrol LGD-4033 (5mg), Ostarine MK–2866 (10mg), and Andarine S4 (1omg) for a 10-week cycle with a gap of 6 weeks in between cycles, visit this site for more wphealthcarenews.com/best-sarms.
Today we have some awesome insight and tips from Jodi Rumack, one of Canada’s leading mentors for personal trainers and group fitness instructors. She has helped open over 60 fitness clubs across Canada, has hired & trained over 1000 personal trainers and managed teams of up to 100 trainers and managers to help you start or take your fitness career to the next level….take it away Jodi!
SPECIAL GUEST POST: 7 Steps to Landing Your Dream Job in the Fitness Industry
Congratulations – You’ve just finished your Personal Training or Group Exercise certification and you cannot wait to start working and helping others! Am I right? I totally know how you feel. It’s so exciting to know that you are qualified to do what you have been dreaming of but you’re not really sure where to start.
Should you apply everywhere? Or just to a couple places? Should you apply online? Should you follow up once you’ve submitted your resume? How many times? There are so many questions!
Check out my 7 tips to landing that perfect role for you:
- Get clear on who you want to help. Are you looking to work with top executives? Do you want to work with moms who are trying to get fit again after having a baby? Do you want to help young athletes get stronger, leaner, faster? This is what we call your client avatar. Knowing who you want to work with will help you figure out where you want to apply to work.
- Do your research. Once you know who you want to work with, search for all the different companies in your area. Let’s say you’ve decided you want to work with women only, in a group setting with women who want to lose 10-20lbs and get sexy. Look up clubs or studios that offer women-only group exercise classes, or boot camp companies that cater specifically to women. Learn about the company, read the website and check out their social media platforms. After you’ve done all of your research, choose the top five places you’d like to work, you can start applying!
- Apply for a position. The majority of companies will have an online process for applying for the roles they are looking to fill. Be sure to apply online and follow the instructions. If they ask for a cover letter, make sure it is specific to each company. Don’t COPY & PASTE! The last thing you want is to have the wrong company name on your cover letter. When possible, apply in person as well. Find out the name of the manager ahead of time. There are so many resumes piling up on a his/her desk but when you how up knowing their name, in business attire with a copy of your resume, you will stand out from the crowd BIG TIME! Applying in person, giving them a face to the name, will help them remember you. It also shows that you were willing to go the extra mile to connect with them to show them that you really want the position.
RESUME TIP: When you write your objective at the top of your resume, ensure that the objective discusses how you will lend your skills to help the company. Don’t make it about you and how you want to develop your skills-big mistake!
- Follow up. My rule of thumb? Follow up until you get an express NO. Until then, the door to getting the interview is wide open! One of the biggest things I look for when hiring is if the candidate takes initiative. Following up shows me that you definitely know how to do that!
- Go for the interview. Once you land the interview, you’ll need to arrive in business casual (unless otherwise directed) and bring your workout gear. Arrive 15 minutes early, no excuses. Bring a copy of your resume and a list of questions. The interviewer wants to see that you are prepared. Asking questions about the company and about the interviewer shows you’ve done your homework. Ask how they got into the industry? What’s the most important lesson they’ve learned about training clients? What’s the one thing you can do to help them build their business the most?
- Follow up again. Once the interview is done, be sure to ask for the date by when they will get back to you. Don’t leave without knowing this. Within 24hrs send a thank you email for meeting with you and let them know you are looking forward to hearing from them. If you don’t hear back by the time expected, wait 48hrs, and follow up again by phone or email. Continue to follow up until you get a final answer.
- Keep track of everything. Write yourself a list of the places you’ve applied. Track the date you sent your resume, if you applied in person, what they said, when you followed up and how, etc….This will help you stay organized and ensure you are giving the right information and responses to each location.
The right role is waiting for you, so stay focused, follow the steps and keep at it.
Good luck!
About Jodi Rumack
With 16 years of fitness industry experience behind her, Jodi Rumack founded Personal Training Mentors Inc. in 2013. Jodi has traveled across Canada and opened over 60 fitness clubs. She has hired & trained over 1000 personal trainers, and managed teams of up to 100 trainers and managers. Jodi has driven over $14 million in program and personal training sales and is passionate about helping fitness professionals maximize their businesses. Jodi has been featured on multiple media outlets all about recruiting and building a successful business, including the Personal Trainer Development Centre, Fitness Business Podcast and Fitness Business Canada Magazine. For more information, visit www.ptmentors.com.