Episode #76: Fit Brain, Fit Body with Jill Hewlett



Hey Chicks,

You spend time exercising your body but do you ever spend time working out your brain? This week, we have brain fitness expert and wellness authority Jill Hewlett on the show. Jill has been licensed in Educational Kinesiology and Brain Gym for two decades and is the creator of Brain Fitness programs, and today is sharing how you can shift your health, reduce your stress, and increase your happiness through simple techniques that will transform your life – inside and out.


In this episode, we cover:

  • Jill’s story about how she learned to adopt a healthy lifestyle and how it changed not only her body but also her brain
  • How the mind and body are truly connected
  • Simple but effective tips on how you can use your body to achieve more optimal brain power
  • How ear massages are like acupuncture
  • What to do about the 3PM energy slump without turning to chocolate!
  • How 5 minutes a day can boost your energy, make you more alert and focused
  • Simple hand and breathe technique for stress relief
  • What a brain spa is
  • How you are also a neuroplastician

3 Key Points:

  1. While fitness and nutrition are key pieces to your overall health, it is just as important to pay attention to your sleep habits, stress management, and brain health.
  2. Your brain health is altered by the foods you eat and the nutrients in your body. If you are eating with a calorie deficit or low quality foods you will feel more sluggish and your brain will be more foggy.
  3. We are all altering our brain on a daily basis, good and bad. It is imperative that you focus on adding in good habits and ways to strengthen your mind body connection for long term health.

About Jill

Brain Fitness Expert, Jill Hewlett is a nationally recognized Speaker, Author, Wellness TV personality, and licensed in the field of Educational Kinesiology. Jill has the skilful capacity to draw out the wellbeing and leadership skills in individuals and organizations to support them in reducing stress and achieving greater levels of efficiency, work life balance and success at work, in the classroom and in daily life. Using Brain Fitness concepts, tools and user friendly neuroscience, get ready to create your Fit Brain and Fit Life today!


Jill’s website www.jillhewlett.com

Killer Resources!

  1. Fitness & Nutrition Expert Program:   Get certified in fitness, nutrition, wellness & business in 12 weeks! Registration is open for the Sept 27, 2017
  2. Natural Weight Loss Coach: Become a nutrition weight loss expert!  8 week program starts Oct 23, 2017

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Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting an exercise program