EPISODE #7 – Getting Personal: Quick Fire Interview With Head Chick Laura!

Hey Chicks,

Sometimes the best inspiration, healing and motivation comes from hearing someone else’s journey to health.  We all learn and grow from each other stories so on the podcast this week, we are getting up close and personal with one of our own…co host & Head Chick Laura!

In Episode 7, we are turning from talking a fitness/ nutrition / wellness topic to getting dirty in our version of a Barbara Walters while Amanda interviews Laura to get a little more insight into who she really is.

We go from how she got into the fitness industry, why  this is was her path to follow to what here typical day looks like, how she works out to reach her goals and her top nutrition strategies for maximum results – emotionally and physically.

This gets really personal into her battle with an eating disorder and how she finally found self acceptance in this crazy industry so don’t mind a few tears, a lot of chats and always, awesome & actionable tips that she uses in her life for you to take home to live fierce for the long haul (Missed past episodes? Get caught up here 🙂

So what is going down in this episode? See below for details, click on the player to listen or subscribe to Itunes to download weekly








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And if you have a question about fitness, nutrition, wellness or business that you would like us to give our 2 cents about or have any feedback about the show, simply email us at info@fitchicks.ca …we would love to hear from you!

Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo