Episode #3 – FIT CHICKS Chat Podcast: Strength vs Cardio: The great fat loss debate!

Hey Chicks,

It is time for Episode 3 of FIT CHICKS Chat and we are talking one of the biggest debates in fitness history…strength vs cardio:  who rules supreme?!  (Missed episode 1 & 2?  Get caught up here 🙂


So what is going down in this episode? See below for details, click on the player to listen or subscribe to Itunes to download weekly

Today’s topic comes from one of our listeners, Lindsay who emailed us in with her struggle and we knew we had to get down and dirty with this on the podcast.  Check out Lindsay question:

“I go to the gym everyday, hit the elliptical for an hour and still no results! I am so frustrated and wondering if I should be changing it up and doing some strength instead. Please help! – Lindsay”

When it comes to talking about strength and cardio, this truly is an age old question or debate! So what is actually better for weight loss, management, health? We are here today to help give you some facts, answers and debunk some myths to get YOU the best results from your workouts 

In Episode 3, we will show you REAL ways to:

i. The benefits of cardio and strength and the role they each play in your goals
ii. What is really happening in your body when you do different types of cardio and how this may be sabotaging you!
iii. The secret to do effective fat burning strength training that you prob aren’t doing
iv. What you can do TODAY to maximize your time working out and get off the cycle of NO RESULTS!






Are you as confused as we were about what to do in your workouts? Everywhere you turn you hear something different like “Cardio is the key to fat loss- forget strength” or “Strength is the only way to go! No cardio” and it can be EXTREMELY frustrating for any chick including us!  InEpisode 3 of FIT CHICKS Chat, Laura and Amanda break down the age old debate of strength vs cardio, how you can use both starting today for fat blasting results and of course, A LOT of chick chat about their own personal opinions….the good, the bad and the ugly!  This is a must listen for anyone just starting working out, not currently getting the results they want or ready to take theirs to the next level.  To order FIT CHICKS Fierce in 8 DVD Set, visit store.fitchicks.ca.  Get Full Episode Show notes and recap, click here



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And if you have a question about fitness, nutrition, wellness or business that you would like us to give our 2 cents about or have any feedback about the show, simply email us at info@fitchicks.ca …we would love to hear from you!

Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo