We met our fitness super chick – Jillian Michaels!

Hey Chicks!

So I was super uber lucky this past Tuesday to have been invited to a special Meet and Greet with the one and only Jillian Michaels at the Chatelaine Magazine Kitchen!

jillian michaels fit chicks

New fitness besties? 🙂

Jillian has always been a huge inspiration for me as I too struggled growing up with weight issues and still to this day have to be very aware of my “food and mood” so to speak as I tend to be an emotional eater.

fit chicks jillian michaels

Thanks for the invite Chatelaine!

While at the Chatelaine Kitchen Jillian did a quick Q&A with the crowd where she talked about life balance, having kids and not only staying healthy but also keeping them on the health train! Also the importance of giving yourself some love (Principal number 3 of our Living La Vida FIT CHICK rules to live by)

We always knew Jillian was a fit chick at heart...she even came sporting yellow!

What I loved about hearing her speak though is the honesty and reality she shares. There is no magic pill, there is no 5 minute workout that is going to get you ripped, it takes hard work, dedication and a choice everyday to live your best, healthiest life.

So chicks remember in life you get what you put in, so this attributes to all areas like work, family, relationships, training etc. So why not go big and make everything you do be the best you can get!

One last thing Jillian said that really stuck with me is this, “Your health is the platform in which your life is built upon” so chicks make sure it is the best you can so you can live the best life ever!!!

Now I am off to our FIT CHICKS Retreat feeling pumped and keep living my passion to help spread the healthy love.  If you can’t make this one, don’t stress – we have our “Sweats & Shades” August Retreat and our “Fierce Fall Fitness” November Retreat already posted online to come and play with us.

Have a fierce day!
Amanda, your Head Chick xo

CELEBRATE SUMMER PROMO: Sign up for June 8 wk Bootcamp by May 25 & SAVE $50 OFF! Enter code “summer” when you sign up online.