You are never too young to start strength training!

Hey Chicks!

Meet my little amazingly adorable Nephew Owen! He is almost 7 months old now and has decided it is time to start working off those cheeks! Owen has taken up strength training in between sleeping and eating and has really felt the effects of his new routine. I mean just look at his glowing skin and calm demeanor.

Owen Working on His Fitness

Well chicks that could be you too! Obviously not going back in time but definitely transforming yourself into exactly what you choose.

You see when you workout, eat real foods and keep the positive vibes flowing it is like the Fountain Of Youth for your soul!

When living a healthy lifestyle you will see any of the following happen:

·    Tightened and toned bod
·    More energy
·    Glowing skin
·    Strong nails and hair
·    Embrace healthy habits and a desire to actually eat those veggies instead of Pizza pockets!
·    Disease prevention
·    Injury prevention
·    Less stressed and more Zen like mentality

I mean this list can go on and on…

So Owen and I both ask you now, what are you waiting for? I mean don’t wait until next week or Feb 4th when bootcamps start again etc to get started just jump on the Living La Vida FIT CHICK lifestyle now – it is never too early to board!

Amanda xo

PS I can assure no babies were hurt in this photo lol his “weight” is a rattle his loving Aunt bought him as a joke for Christmas:)