Hey Chicks!
With the New Year comes the ideas of starting fresh, starting new etc. So why not get out there and try something you have never done before?
I am not suggesting you go out there and find like the most obscure thing to do but I am saying like why not get out and try something that scares you a little or makes your heart pound a little faster?
No ideas in mind as to what those things might be, let us help you!
Snowboarding or Skiing
One of my all times faves especially since I am past the learning stages of snowboarding. Trust me this can be a tough one to want to stick with because your booty will be saying no all the way home but if you stick with it like anything else you will get the hang of it and find the love for it. To start, get your gear from the Altitude Sports store which has many discounts and a lot of equipment.
Super fun way to get around using just snowshoes and two feet and a heartbeat (and if you join our Fit & Fierce Retreat, Laura is going to be teaching a whole workout class on these badboys!)
Bootcamp Class
I know there are still peeps shaking in their boots at the thought of joining, trust me and all the other chicks out there – don’t be nervous just do it!
Zumba Classes
OK so this one scares me for real LOL. I am possibly the most uncoordinated person you will see out there on the floor during a Zumba class but at least I can say I have tried it (multiple times) and you know what it wasn’t so scary after all. A little hilarious on my end lol but if you can’t laugh at yourself and have fun then what’s the point right?
This too can be a major intimidation factor for sure but don’t let it be! Trust me as a Yoga Teacher I can tell you no teacher looks at you thinking your pose is so “beginner” or that you’re not wearing the right clothing. We do not care about that at all, only that you showed up, so do yourself a favor and just show upJ
So now what? Perhaps you are sooo super excited to try these out but not sure where to start? Check out local hills, I suggest Horseshoe Valley in Barrie for some great Ski, Snowboard and Cross Country / Snowshoe trails.
We also have our Feb classes posted online now for registration for our Bootcamp and Zumba Bootcamp programs so why wait? Just secure your spot today and be guaranteed fun soon! Not convinced it will be good times ahead? Just check out what other chicks have to say about how much F-U-N they are!
OR and here is the best plan ever how about joining us at our FIT & FIERCE Retreat March 1-3rd where you can check out all of these options and more! This retreat is like a buffet of fun times (and our last one SOLD OUT!) so get your happy pants (and snow pants) on and come hang with us.
See chicks we all have a choice. We can live by the conversations in our brains telling us to just stay away or we can break through those mental barriers and just go for it and live the life you want! Sometimes the things that scare you the most are the things that surprise you the most and in the end the thing you end up loving so much that it becomes a piece of you.
So get out there chicas and explore, this is your life!
Amanda xo