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FITNESS FRIDAY – Burning calories skate style!

Hey Chicks! Well I know that it hasn’t been a real Winter Wonderland here in Toronto but I was lucky enough that the last time I visited my family back in Ottawa, the Rideau Canal was frozen and calling my name. Did you know this Canal is actually known as the longest outdoor rink in the world -cool huh?! This canal is 8 km one from one end to the other so if you skate the whole rink you rack up 16 [...]

FITNESS FRIDAY: “I wanna be 65 & still doing push ups!”

Hey Chicks! It was my 33rd Birthday last week (insert GULP) and this made me realise that I have to learn how to accept that I am actually getting older lol! Now I know 33 is not old by any means but it is also not the age where certain things are still appropriate. My peeps and I always have these talks about “age appropriateness” like; can I still wear shirts with hearts and stars on them? Dancing on tables, do or [...]

Celebrating the Fierce Dana: Toronto Forest Hill Bootcamp Instructor

Hey Chicks We wanted to take this time to celebrate an awesome and valuable member of the FIT CHICKS family who has almost been with us for 2 years teaching bootcamp  and helping chicks reach their fab fitness goals! Dana is our Chick Sergeant at the Toronto North (Forest Hill) bootcamp location and she has been kicking chicks butt since May 2010. We are so proud of her dedication, passion and hard work she puts into her chicks and her camp each everyday [...]

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY – A sick chick..please help!

Hey Chicks, Iknow it's Wellness Wednesday but this chick is not feeling too well so it's going to be a short post!  I never get sick and am doing everything to try to convince myself that I am not but my sore throat, watery eyes, sneez attacks, achy muscles and joints and fever since last is telling me otherwise.  Stocking up on lots of warm water with lemon, steam baths and attempting to get rest (for a chick on the go it is hard!).  Other than [...]

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