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FITNESS FRIDAY- Tornado meets Burpee Fitness Challenge

Hey Chicks, It's long weekend Friday (and our Country's Bday - woot woot!) and we know what that means...lots of bbq, beer and who would have thought, BURPEES! Even though you may be on the road this weekend, we still want you to take the FIT CHICKS weekend challenge with you (and even get your peeps involved!) This challenge combos cardio, upper body and core work. It is fast and fierce - just how we like it:) FIT CHICKS "HAPPY CANADA DAY" WEEKEND CHALLENGE [...]

Dropping 11lbs & taking control: Celebrating Cherine’s amazing fitness journey

JULY CHICK OF THE MONTH June has come, almost gone and we are getting ready to a new fierce, fit, fun outdoor bootcamp starting July 3rd - yay! What better way to start the month than by sharing the amazing fitness journey of one of our West Coast chicks, Cherine from our Calgary SW Bootcamp. BEFORE - The amazing Cherine After a battle with infertility, Cherine has taken control of her health, weight (losing 11lbs and 6 inches), stress levels and is [...]

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY – 15 episodes filmed

Hey Chicks, So we just got back from 2 days in a row of filming for our upcoming TV series (Yay - we are 15 episodes done!) and this chick is zonked! I was instructing the last 2 rounds of episodes and had an absolute blast with some of my fave peeps including Tessa from our Toronto Harbourfront Bootcamp, Jenn - my amazing chick who has lost over 100lbs and of course, my co Head Chick / BFF Amanda. So while I [...]

MOTIVATION MONDAY – Top 10 Reasons to eat your breakfast

Hey Chicks! We have all heard the saying that eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but do you know why that is? Are part of "The Breakfast Club"? Here are top 10 reasons why you need to motivate yourself and your loved ones to eat this super important meal on the daily: Cut yur fruit into heart shapes with yogurt dip for extra love:) TOP 10 REASONS TO EAT BREAKFAST 1. Provides you with an energy [...]

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