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FITNESS FRIDAY – Fab Abs Challenge

FAB ABS CHALLENGE All y’all want FAB abs right, I mean who doesn’t want a nice tight tummy and strong back and core?! This weeks challenge is all about strengthening the entire core area from the front to the back as we add in a plank variation that is tops on my list of strength builders for the the mid-section – Around the World Planks! For the challenge here is what I want you to do: 1. Watch the FIT CHICKS video for Around [...]

FITNESS FRIDAY: The walking push up challenge

Hey Chicks, Happy Friday Chicks! For our Ontario chicas, it has been one heck of a hot week but that doesn't mean we can't still get a little challenge in 🙂 And it is all about the push up...chick style! This challenge upper body, lower body and core work. As you may not have air conditioning indoors during the heat wave, this is more of toning / body awareness challenge but still a great total body exercise! FIT CHICKS WEEKEND CHALLENGE The challenge is [...]

WELLNESS WEDNESDAY: Coconut Banana Peach Pops

Hey Chicks, It is super busy around The Coop today and hot as heck (please make sure Toronto / GTA chicks to take a peek at location changes /cancellations for tonight due to the extreme heat alert!) That said, I am bringing back an oldie but a goodie recipe courtesy of my sister, Sarah - Coconut Banana Peach Popsicles! I made a batch today and have already eaten 2 just to try to cool down (i don't have air conditioning)...I forgot how [...]

MOTIVATION MONDAY: Happy Long Weekend!

Hey Chicks! Even though we are celebrating Canada's Birthday this weekend it's still super über important to stay motivated to reach your goals! So head outdoors today (or do our Canada Day Weekend Challenge!), get moving, avoid the extra cocktails and calories but if you must have a drink or two why not try our Sassy Sangria Recipe 🙂 Most of all have fun and be safe! See you tomorrow night for our July bootcamp classes (and you can still take advantage [...]

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