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FITNESS FRIDAY: Scared of yoga back bending? Try this!

Hey Chicks! For the past year and a half I have been dealing with a super gross “injury” to my lower back that has been causing monster drama in my life. From lower back issues, pins and needles in my lower part of left leg and limitations now for some exercises and in my yoga practice. Now I say “injury” because it is not actually something I did to myself that has caused it but rather like Lady Gaga says “I was Born This [...]

CHICK FEED – 2 Ingrediant Ice Cream (dairy free, gluten free, paleo & vegan friendly)

Hey Chicks, Happy Wednesday! I am celebrating hump day with a little dessert recipe I LOVE..that only has 2 ingrediants!   Before I get into that, one of my chicks said to me the other day that she would love if I could teach her how to cook as I have so many exciting recipes.  I wanted to tell her I was a diva in the kitchen - organized while wearing a spotless apron - but that is WAY FAR from the [...]

MOTIVATION MONDAY – Be a rockstar cheerleader!

Hey Chicks! Have you ever really paid attention to your thoughts and how they truly affect your day to day? Lately, I have been thinking a lot about this and how important it is to be the ruler of your own brain and to not let your head get in the way of what you want in life. See, there are times when you might think to yourself say, in Bootcamp class “like, there is no way I can do that!” or maybe while [...]

FITNESS FRIDAY: How to rock the Seated Forward Bend…yoga style!

Hey Chicks! Now that we are into week 2 of our Countdown to Xmas Bootcamp you might be feeling some tight muscles in the back of your legs, maybe even muscles you didn’t know existed, and perhaps even a little tightness in your lower back area – ouch! Not in class? Perhaps you may be tight is from all those steps you have been taking in the malls to get your pre-holiday shopping done or sweating up a storm in your living room to [...]

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