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TOP 5: Gym bag essentials for a Head Chick!

Hey Chicks, Is your gym bag set up for sweat session success? To make your healthy living life so much easier to stay on track, a "grab & go" gym bag packed with your essentials will save you so much time and leave less room for excuses as to why not to workout! What's in your gym bag? To help get an idea of what helps keeps our team on track, we asked Head Chick Laura if we could take a peek [...]

5.5 inches down, 2x push ups (almost!) & a fierce new lifestyle: Jackie’s weightloss & fitness journey

Hey Chicks, So March is here and we are all still wondering where the warm weather is?!  So even though the temp isn't getting better, we thought let's get all warm and fuzzy from the inside by celebrating an amazing Chick of the Month story...meet the Fierce Jackie from our Etobicoke Bootcamp! Jackie started her fitness journey with us in the Fall of 2013. Needing a fun, weekly program to keep her accountable and consistent and make sure she makes her health [...]

CHICK FEED: Chocolate Dipped Almond Figs with goji berries

Hey Chicks, HAPPY LOVE DAY!!! If you need a last minute, "I am domestic goddess that wants to show you how much I love you with my amazing culinary skills"  recipe for that special someone (which could be you as well!), then we have the treat for you! Keeping in line with our FIT CHICKS approach of 5 ingredients or less, we fell in love with this recipe from Whole Foods and made a few tweaks to meet our healthy sweet tooth fancy with a little [...]

SPECIAL GUEST RECIPE: Garlic & Green Onion Cauliflower Wraps (gluten free, paleo friendly, vegetarian)

Hey Chicks, We have a SUPER SPECIAL guest post recipe from one of our fave holistic nutritionist, culinary nutrition expert and all around healthy lovin rock star - Caitlin Iles. She creates amaang, delicious healthy concoctions (I am still addicted to her coconut milk/chocolate/chia pudding she made me!) and this one does not disappoint.  We promise it will become a "must eat" in your dinner rotation! Take it away Caitlin.... GARLIC & GREEN ONION CAULIFLOWER WRAPS By Caitlin IlesHello to all you [...]

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