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CONTEST : Win 1 of 3 Chick Bucks Gift Cards!
With our September classes about to start (you can still sign up & save $80 off!) and a NEW free FIT CHICKS Workout video included for Sept members , we are in the mood to CELEBRATE! And what do we do when we feel pumped and happy? We share the love and give stuff away like this month's contest giveaway to win 1 of 3 Chick Bucks Gifts Cards! To try and snag one of these sweet prizes is simple. On Sept 3 & [...]
CHICK FEED: “In the Buff” Basic Turkey Meatloaf Muffins (high protein, dairy free, gluten free)
Hey Chicks, Back to school is around the corner (where does the time fly when you are having fun!) and guess who is packing her bookbag this fall?! Yes, that’s right I am back to be a student and the one thing I learned from the last time I went to school was that I do not want to gain the freshman 15! After my years of researching /trying “everything under the sun to eat healthy on a busy schedule” , I have learned [...]
It’s a double transformation: Brittany & Courtney’s fitness & weightloss journey!
JULY/AUG CHICKS OF THE MONTH When the healthy sisterhood spreads, you have to CELEBRATE! And that is what this month's chick of the month is all about. We are rocking not only 1 but TWO awesome, inspiring healthy transformation from FIT CHICK besties, Brittany & Courtney, from our Calgary Crowfoot Bootcamp. Introducing the dynamic duo: Brittany & Courtney! While each had different goals when joining, their results have been amazing. From dropping almost 15lbs post baby weight in 8 weeks, losing 14 [...]
FIT CHICKS head into CBC’s “Dragon’s Den”!
Hey Chicks, So you want to know what happened when the Head Chicks flew the Coop to take on in Season 9 of CBC's "Dragon's Den"? While we can't tell you the whole story yet, here is a little behind the scenes peek of what went down 🙂 You know we love our bucket list of goals. And in Feb 2014, we decided it was time to check one more off the list (actually it was bucket list item #27 "To spread the healthy [...]