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CTV NEWS: Top 4 acupressure techniques to manage summer stress!
Hey Chick, I don't know about you but in the summer my stress levels are through the roof. I am aware of this so I search Where to buy CBD oil and I also need to make sure I am giving myself some extra TLC so not to let my cortisol levels and body get all out of whack. Summer can lead to A LOT of stress on the body and on your mind including road rage on your way to the cottage, having [...]
12lbs down, 16in lost & finding her workout motivation: Celebrating Jules fitness transformation!
Hey Chicks, We are on summer break this week (July Bootcamps start again July 6!) and like many of us when vacation hits, we lose our workout motivation. Don't get us wrong chick - you need to take a workout breaks at times but when you make fitness your LIFESTYLE and a habit your body craves, you can work it in to everyday no matter where you are. Don't stress if you have lost your motivation as we are here to pump you back [...]
TOP 5 Tips: How to have a Chick Approved BBQ!
Hey Chicks, Summer season (and our outdoor bootcamps!) are now in full effect and I LOVE me some BBQ! Smoked, charcoal or grill ANYTHING and I think I would eat joke. The thing with BBQ is it can be a stressful, calorie and processed food bomb or can be the most amazing, healthy meal with tons of flavor and fun. It is all in the approach so in this post I thought I would dedicate it to helping you chicks enjoy a [...]
CTV Morning: Our cottage strength training must have for 2015!
Hey Chick, We know summer season is here and let's be honest, do you actually work out on the weekend or at the cottage? Don't feel bad if you don't. I don't think most people do. I headed to CTV Ottawa last week to take peeps through how to still get a fierce strength training workout at the cottage and it got me thinking "How many people ACTUALLY work out on the weekend?" (well other than the bicep curl of bringing a cocktail to [...]