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Burn MAJOR calories with this 20 min workout!
Hey Chicks, When it comes to bootcamps and high intensity intervals, there is ONE exercise that will always reign as "The Queen "B"....the BURPEE! As you know, at FIT CHICKS we LOVE high intensity interval training and by adding burpees to your routine, you can push your workouts to a whole new level of burn - without having to add equipment or need a lot of space. So to honor our "Queen B" and to give you some some extra fitness love that is [...]
CHICK FEED: Top 3 Healthy Thanksgiving Side Dishes
The first long weekend of fall is here (and reminder there are no classes on Mon Oct 12 but make ups are held on Friday Oct 19) and it just happens to be one of our fave holidays - Thanksgiving! Now to make sure you aren't sending your blood sugar skyrocketing (which also means weight gain, moodiness, bloating, gas, aging, cancer and much more yuckies!), we wanted to share our "Top 3 Chick Approved" Thanksgiving side dish recipes that are not only gluten, grain [...]
SPECIAL GUEST RECIPE: Egg White Veggie and Feta Smash
Hey Chick, Today we are super PUMPED to feature a recipe from one of the fab Chicks from our April Fitness & Nutrition Expert Program - the fierce Danielle! Danielle is a busy mom of 3, a runner & tabata lover and an overall postive, health loving rockstar. She started the program in April 2015 and as the Fitness and Nutrition Expert Program is taught online, she was able to work it into her schedule and at her own pace. Danielle is now spreading [...]
CHICK FEED: 3 Ingredient Power Pancakes (gluten free, vegetarian, high fibre)
Hey Chicks, I tend to go through phases with my breakfast foods. For the longest time I was OBSESSED with oatmeal, egg whites and coconut oil. Then I moved on to protein packed green smoothie recipe. After that I went to 0% greek yogurt, almonds, chia sead and berries. Now I have moved on to my latest breakfast OBSESSION...3 ingredient pancakes. The main thing I ALWAYS focus on when building my breakfast is to ensure they follow what we call at FIT CHICKS "Complete [...]