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We raised $4660 for the Red Cross and Fort Macmurray…that’s A LOT of sweat! 🙂

Hey Chicks, Exciting news – the results are in and our CHICK Power Charity Classes raised $4660 for the Red Cross & Fort MacMurray (a combo of what was donated and what was matched by FC and the Canadian Government!) On May 16 & 17th, it was a sea of giving back love at our FIT CHICKS locations as we sweated up a storm at our “CHICK POWER” charity classes to raise funds and support the Red Cross & Fort MacMurray after the devastating [...]

10lbs lost, 10in down & finding fitness after breast cancer: Celebrating Maria fitness & weight loss journey

Hey Chick, Today we are celebrating a Chick of the Month, Maria from our Mississauga Bootcamp, who has touched our hearts and inspired us on SO many levels. This is a story about finding fitness after surviving breast cancer & owning her POWER. This is a story about starting your fitness journey at any age & any stage (Maria is a FIERCE 57!) This is a story about working hard and reaching goals (like fitting into clothes she hasn't since her 20's) Starting can [...]

Guest Post: 7 Steps to Landing Your Dream Job in the Fitness Industry

Hey Chicks, If you have thought about working in the fitness industry, are part of our Fitness & Nutrition Expert Program and just entering the fitness biz or have been training for a long time but looking for a new job, this is a must read for you! There are a few essential bodybuilding exercises that you will find on Iron Samurai site to focus on if you’re after serious bulk. While we have mentioned quite a few SARMs that help in treating breast cancer, if [...]

CHICK FEED – Peppy Peppermint Pattie Smoothie

Hey Chick, Green is our favorite color when it comes to beverages as it means there it contains chlorophyll, the green pigment in plants.  But studies have shown that chlorophyll also has a TON of awesome health benefits for peeps including controlling hunger cravings, controlling body odor (bye by bad breath and stinky sweats!) and helping to detoxify the body. So instead of throwing back the beer and booze which has a ton of calories and wreaks havoc on the system especially when trying to lose [...]

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