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GREEN SMOOTHIE RECIPE: Chocolate Cherry Creamy Dream Delicious! (vegan, gluten free)
Hey Chicks, There are 2 things going on in Ontario right now that are inspiring this post. It is hotter than heck. This is causing the idea of eating heavy or hot things not appealing AT ALL to me. It is cherry season! So cherries are cheap, local and so full of delicious flavor and max nutrition That said, this is my FAVE go to right now to get the most nutrients in my body without feeling like I am going to die of [...]
Exciting News…Head Chick Amanda is having a baby!
Hey Chicks, So not only have we been buzzing lately about our latest Podcasts on iTunes but we have also been keeping a little secret... I am having a baby! This secret has been a tough one to keep under wraps not only due to the sheer excitement factor but also because I wasn’t feeling all that awesome in the beginning. But that was the beginning, and now I feel fab, energized and ready to rock! At first I actually had no idea I [...]
Protein for fat loss: part two
Hey chicks, Last post we talked about why protein is so important for fat loss, so today we are going to get into the deets about how much protein you should be eating, and where to find it! For a general recommendation, we like to see chicks eating about .8 - 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. However, if you are carrying around a little more body fat than you would like, it’s best to use your ideal weight instead of [...]
Top 3 Reasons why we love PROTEIN for fat loss…and you will too!
Hey chicks, It doesn’t matter if you are trying to lose weight, gain muscle, recover from a super tough workout, or simply just be healthy….eating enough protein is essential; however, it’s especially critical if you are looking to shed a few pounds. source: Surprisingly, most women don’t regularly eat enough. Think about our typical “diets”.... Whole grain cereal for breakfast, a sandwich with raw veggies and yogurt for lunch, maybe a piece of fruit or a granola bar for a snack, [...]