Hey Chicks!!
June’s Chick of the Month is the fabulous Katie Ho. Check out our interview with this awesome Chick!
FC – How long have you been attending G.I. Jane Bootcamp?
KH – Since December, 2009.
FC – What have your results been like? What were your top 3 goals for
joining this program?
KH – So far, I’ve lost 6 lbs and almost 8 inches in total. I’ve definitely noticed a positive improvement in my dreaded “muffin top” area and better toning in my arms. More importantly, I just feel better overall – mentally and physically – since joining G.I. Jane Bootcamp.
As a new mom, I find it difficult to find time to do anything for myself. My reasons for joining Bootcamp were to spend some quality “me” time (two precious hours a week – sans bebe), shed those remaining post-baby pounds and do something fun with my girlfriends. As two of my best friends were getting married in 2010, it wasn’t hard to convince them to join me! Congrats Carolyn and Nan!!!
FC – What is your favorite exercise?
KH – Definitely NOT frog jumps or burpees. I could live without those. I tend to enjoy the kick boxing exercises the most.
FC – Did you find class to be inviting and accessible?
KH – Class is too accessible for me – I live down the street from Montrose School so I have no excuse for missing a class.
FC – What is your definition of a FIT CHICK?
KH -fit
adj 1: meeting adequate standards for a purpose; “a fit subject for
discussion”; “it is fit and proper that you be there”;
“water fit to drink”; “fit for duty”; “do as you see
fit to” [syn: fit to, fir for] [ant: unfit]
2: (usually followed by `to’ or `for’) on the point of or
strongly disposed; “in no fit state to continue”; “fit to
drop”; “laughing fit to burst”; “she was fit to scream”;
“primed for a fight”; “we are set to go at any time” [syn:
fit, primed, set]
3: physically and mentally sound or healthy; “felt relaxed and
fit after their holiday”; “keeps fit with diet and
exercise” [syn: healthy] [ant: unfit]
n 1: young bird especially of domestic fowl [syn: biddy]
2: informal terms for a (young) woman [syn: dame, doll, wench,
skirt, bird]
Ok, so a FIT CHICK is a physically and mentally sound or healthy (young) woman. Sounds about right – especially the young part…
You look amazing, Katie! Keep up the great work! And we love your well researched definition of a FIT CHICK 🙂
Want results like Katie’s? Sign up today for a G.I. Jane Bootcamp near you!