EPISODE 29 – FIT CHICKS Chat: Top 4 Ways to not lose your fitness & nutrition groove over the holidays!

Hey Chick,

We are now in full holiday swing.  The brunches have started, the office holiday parties are rocking & everywhere you turn there is more food and drink to be consumed that you feel like eating and drinking has become your new 24/7 job.

Before you know it you feel like someone has snuck in to your closet and stolen all of your “regular clothes” and replaced them with spandex.  Everything is TIGHT!

Studies have shown the average person between Thanksgiving and New Years can gain from 7-10 pounds so if you want to avoid the extras you have to stay motivated! The Xmas season has just really started  and you need a game plan to stay on track and in the zone towards your fitness goals during this crazy busy, stressful, party time. In this episode, the Head Chicks will take you through

Now what are they?  You have to listen to find out!fitnessgroove


In this episode, the Head Chicks take you through:

  • The Top 4 ways to keep you on top of your fitness and nutrition game during the holidays to avoid the holiday weight gain!
  • How to set yourself up for healthy success even if you are travelling all over dodge this time of year
  • Laura’s & Amanda’s top tips that they use each holiday season to make through having a ton of fun but keeping it on the healthy train

So get comfy and ready to listen! See below for details and click on the player to listen or subscribe to Itunes to download weekly





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And if you have a question about fitness, nutrition, wellness or business that you would like us to give our 2 cents about or have any feedback about the show, simply email us at info@fitchicks.ca …we would love to hear from you!

Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo

PS. Want to learn more about how to break the diet cycle for good, lose weight naturally and help others do the same? Check out our 30 page program brochure for FIT CHICKS Academy’s latest certification, the Natural Weight Loss Coach program starting Jan 24, 2017!