Hey Chicks!!
Hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend so far! Unfortunately I have to work 3 out of the 4 days of the long weekend, so no rest for me.
I’ve been really intrigued lately about the concept of Primal/Paleo eating which pretty much involves eating the way cavemen ate. There are tons of blogs and info online about it, and it really seems to make sense to me and mostly goes along with the way I like to eat.
I was in the mood for a dessert the other day and I found this recipe on a fab blog about Primal eating – called This Primal Life – for Coconut Orange Pound Cake. It’s pretty much sugar free, and uses coconut flour. It was so yummy! I topped it with fresh strawberries. The kiddies loved it, the bf loved it. A big hit all around and super easy to make. Although I won’t make it too often as it didn’t last long in my house!

super yummy coconut orange pound cake!
Today my eats were as follows:
brekkie – eggs with spinach cooked in coconut oil
lunch – homemade taco salad – romaine lettuce, grape tomatoes, organic ground beef cooked in taco spices, avocado and salsa
snack – apple cheddar omelette (not the best choice, but I was at work!)
dinner – not so much of a dinner – I picked at a ton of stuff which is a really bad habit. I had a green smoothie, some pieces of turkey sausage, a small protein pancake the bf had made for the girls, few cups of herbal tea….and I am sure a few more things went down the hatch!
Going to enjoy my one day off tomorrow with my fam. Have a fab weekend, Chicks!