What is a GI JANE Bootcamp class actually like..

So we get asked the question all the time – Camo_1

What is a GI JANE Bootcamp class actually like?

What can you expect from your FIT CHICKS Extraordinaire aka Chick Sergeants?

What exercises are included?

Most of all…will I be able to actually do it!?! (We promise any chick can!)

Well, we had the fab Alex come out to sweat up a storm with us in January and asked her if she would write her HONEST experience in our class (no we did not woo her with pressies and treats..just a sweet offering of getting her toosh kicked by our fab Chick Sergeant at the Toronto North location, Anna!)

Check out what Miss Alex had to say on her blog “Happy Go Lucky Alex!” about her GI JANE Bootcamp Experience

Stayed tuned for her final recap!