Hey Chicks,
So this week we are closed for classes, celebrating our fab the birthday of our fabulous country and gearing up for our July Bootcamps. We always like to keep it on the positive train (remember happy thoughts = healthy chicks) so we have another fierce transformation to share with you with our July 2013 Chick of the Month Leslie from our Toronto Downtown Bootcamp!
After feeling totally unmotivated working out solo, Lesley reignited her passion when she found her new “team” with the chicks at her Toronto Downtown Bootcamp. She motivates every new chick with her positive energy, leads by example in her workouts and words and is a fierce fitness inspiration to all. Losing 8lbs, 8.5 inches and most importantly loving being active again, Lesley is our super star this month!
Check out Lesley’s Story in her own words….take it away chick!
What made you decide to join FIT CHICKS?
I have been a healthy and fit person for most of my life, never more so than when I was actively involved in several team sports (basketball, softball, volleyball) during my teens and early twenties. When my involvement in those team sports waned, there was a gap in my life that I was struggling to fill; I hated not being physically active and fit, but none of the things I tried seemed to stick. I hated running and was totally unmotivated in the solitary gym environment. I needed a team again, and I found one in my Chick Sergeant Lara and the Orde Street fit chicks!
How have you changed physically since joining FIT CHICKS?
I have lost 8lbs and 8.5 inches since joining. However, I am really not a weight and measurements person, at least when it comes to gauging success. I am far more focused on how my strength and endurance, both cardiovascular and muscular, have increased by leaps and bounds in the past year if you need to focus on your cardiovascular health, this page has all the information you need and a doctor you can contact. On my first fit test I was able to do 25 push ups in a minute; now I can do 45!
Livin la Vida FIT CHICK is based on 4 healthy principles. How do you incorporate them into your everyday life?
Principle 1 – Fitness: Move Everyday…makes it a conscious choice!
I have been with Fit Chicks for a year now, and I am out there twice a week, rain or shine! On top of that, I try to incorporate at least one other chick style workout each week. I am also fortunate that as a teacher, I spend much of my day on my feet, and not sitting at a desk. Finally, I have always been a big proponent of walking, and I use my own two feet to get to as many places as I can.
Principle 2 – Nutrition: Eat real, whole foods made with love.
I do my best to eat real, whole foods that are made with love as often as I can. I hardly ever eat fast food, except for the occasional slice of pizza, and when I go to a restaurant I am conscious of ordering with this healthy principle in mind. I will however admit to an ongoing weakness for chocolate and fresh baked bread 🙂
Principle 3 – Wellness: Give yourself love.
Self-love is something I have been working extremely hard to integrate into my everyday life. I most definitely make time for my workouts each week, despite ever present temptations and distractions of work and my social life. I also do my level best to take a little time each day to do something for myself, however small that something might be.
Principle 4 – Pay it forward: Spread the healthy love to those around you.
One of the ways I try to help “spread the healthy love” is by leading by example and helping the new/newer chicks to learn the ropes and get the most from their workouts. I also try to go through life with a positive outlook and I strive to give every person the benefit of the doubt.
For me, one of the other ways to spread the love is by taking the time to pay compliments, say thank you, and even just listen to people when they have something to say; knowing somebody cares is often enough to brighten someone’s day!
Which areas of staying healthy do you find the most
challenging? How do you stay motivated?
I should probably say that Principle 2 (Eat Real, Whole Food made with Love) gives me the most trouble on a day to day basis, and I certainly do have several food vices, but it is really Principle 3 (Give yourself some love) that I struggle with the most.
As many of my friends would tell you, I am an extremely self-deprecating person; I never miss an opportunity to knock myself down a peg or two, or to belittle my abilities and accomplishments. I am not sure where this behaviour has developed from, but it is a habit I am trying to break. I also find that I give so much of myself to others, both in my professional life and in my personal relationships, that I have very little energy left to spend on myself.
What has helped you keep you on track to your health and fitness goals?
Whenever I find myself struggling with any of the 4 healthy principles, Fit Chicks always seems to be there to help, in one form or another. If I am about to give into a food craving by indulging in fast, unhealthy food, there always seems to be an email from FC in my inbox that contains a recipe for some healthy snack.
As for moving every day and maintaining my fitness, all I ever have to do is think of my Chick Sergeant Lara running after me yelling “right behind you” and I feel motivated to continue my physical activity. Finally, I cannot say enough about the strength I draw from working out in a team environment; we push each other, but more importantly we support one another.
What is your fave FIT CHICKS sweat session & why?
Tabatas are one of my fave workouts because I find that the twenty second intervals cause me to really push the limits of my abilities; I truly reach that 9 out of 10 level! I also quite enjoy circuit training because I find it is an efficient way to enhance cardiovascular fitness and muscle endurance; being a teacher, I also enjoy the logical flow that comes with circuit training.
Do you have a fave “Chick Approved” recipe that you make with love?
Toroto Downtown Chick Sergeant Lara is so proud of her chick, she wanted share an extra special shout out.
“Lesley has grown stronger and more confident with each and every session so much so that she performs each class with sassy enthusiasm and superb energy. Moreover, she has done all of this while overcoming a bad knee condition. Lesley has used fitness to empower her and face the challenges of her daily life and shared her wonderful energy with other chicks in class. She performs all the challenging workouts with a wink and sly smile, she never gives up on a hard routine.
Life begins when you go beyond your comfort zone. Welcome to life Lesley! I encourage you continue to stay present in the moment and enjoy life!”
Awesome job chick – we are so proud of you rocking the healthy train and can’t wait to sweat up a storm with you again next session!