Hey Chicks!
With the weekend approaching it is still super uber important for you to get your sweat on so here is a quick and dirty little workout for y’all to do!
This HIIT workout is guaranteed to get your heart pumping and body moving, you know how we roll;)
THE 10 x 10 Workout!
Perform each of the sections below in order and try not to break in between exercises – remember the word here is try – so take breaks when needed you want to be sure to always have proper form to get the best results!
Warm up with a 5 minute dynamic stretch including jogging on the spot, jumping jacks, arm circles and squats.
The 10 x 10 Workout:
10 Dynamo Push Ups
10 Pop Outs – plank position jump your feet outside your hands and then jump back to plank – as fast as you can with no breaks
Repeat three times
10 Prisoner Squats
10 Jump Squats
Repeat three times
10 Reverse Lunges – stepping behind you into a lunge instead of forward
10 Front Kicks – as high as you can go – think chorus line styles
Repeat three times
10 Twisting Planks – in plank position bring your knee through to your opposite elbow – low impact do same move on your knees
10 Reverse Ab Crunches – on your back hands under booty lift your legs towards the ceiling and then lower as low as you can go
Repeat three times
Now for fun repeat all of the moves from start to finish one more time (10 reps each) but as a super set so no break between each.
Ooh and super bonus why not time the workout on Saturday and then repeat it Sunday to see if you can beat your time!
Stretch (check out the pigeon and forward bend pose) and you are donzo!
Have a fantastic weekend chicks,