Hey Chicks!
It was my 33rd Birthday last week (insert GULP) and this made me realise that I have to learn how to accept that I am actually getting older lol!
Now I know 33 is not old by any means but it is also not the age where certain things are still appropriate. My peeps and I always have these talks about “age appropriateness” like; can I still wear shirts with hearts and stars on them? Dancing on tables, do or don’t? The big one of course being is it time to start having real thoughts about marriage and kids – which I am still not interested in talking about just yet!
The other part of getting older I have started to realise is how my body is changing but for the better! I mean yes, my body at times feels the effects of teaching Bootcamp 4 nights per week. My back screams at me from time to time to slow down but the good stuff is that I am more comfortable in my skin then I have ever been and care way more about the balance in life than anything else.
It’s like as I get older I have started to completely understand how important it is not only to train hard so my booty does not hit the floor from gravity but also how important it is to feel really good and eat really well to fuel my body.
Now of course you still want to “treat” yourself from time to time – like my Chick Nina from my Toronto Annex Bootcamp did for me and gave me six amazing mini cupcakes for my Birthday – THANK YOU Nina – they were so delicious! (I wish I took a picture of them to show y’all but I ate them too fast I guess)But it is also all about balance, and without it you will never truly reach your full potential.
I want to be 65 and still doing push ups – I know maybe not the most exciting aspiration but it is mine LOL. I also want to be sure that I am doing what I can to avoid eating things that can “poison” my body and create havoc for me!
Now I do not expect to do everything “right” like starting today, I mean it was just last week my Birthday so I have plenty of time to get into the 33 year old head space but I do hope that the next year will bring more “Aha” moments and be the year I find my full potential.
Chicks, what do you love about getting older and wiser?
Amanda xo