Day 19 – Change it Up!

Hi Chicks!

Are you stuck in a food rut? Most people tend to eat the same foods over and over and never try anything new. This week, I’d love for you to make it your goal to try 2 new foods. And that’s 2 new HEALTHY foods (ie. fruits and veggies!) not the new 100 cal snack pack that’s on the market.

Here are a few of my fave fruits and veggies that you may not have tried yet:

thai young coconuts – the water is delicious to drink and super healthy, and the chicklets always gobble up the coconut meat before I can get any!pic_coconut

kale – this leafy green is jam packed with kale-171x300nutrients. I like mine satueed in a little olive oil and sprinkled with capers.

jicama – this is a great root veggie that is served raw. Sprinkle it with cajun spice or use it to dip in guacamole and salsa. It’s fab if you want something crunchy, but low cal. jicama5

So step outside of your comfort zone and pick up a new fruit or veggie this week. If you don’t know what to do with it, google works great for searching for recipes, or send me a comment and I can give you some suggestions!

Have a great night, Chicks!

Sis 🙂