Day 18 – Slow it Down!

Hey Chicks!

Let me ask you a question. How long did it take you to eat your dinner tonight? If you are anything like me, you wolfed it down while watching tv, checking emails or yelling at the kids. Eating fast is a bad habit – and one that I am trying to break.

You probably already have heard that it takes your brain 20 minutes to register that feeling of fullness. Eating slower also helps improve your digestion. So to prevent yourself from shoving all your food in and eating twice as much as you need, here are a few tips:

  • Chew each bite 20 times
  • Put down your fork (or your burger) between bites
  • Load up your plate with raw, crunchy veggies and greens – you can’t eat those very quickly – then move on to the protein portion of the meal
  • Turn off the tv, close the computer and hang up the phone. Focus on what you are eating and enjoy it!
  • Use chopsticks! Most people can’t eat very fast with them.
  • Play slow music with dinner – it can slow down your pace

I’m going to try to eat slower, Chicks, and I hope you will too!

And if you like the tips you get on the blog, and live in the Toronto area, sign up for GI Jane Bootcamp. Not only do you get 2 fat-burning workouts a week, but you also get 3 email tips a week on fitness and nutrition! November classes are filling up, so register today.