Wellness Wednesday – How bad do you want it?

Hey Chicks,

It’s my first Wellness Wednesday post of the New Year – yippee! I still can not believe we are in 2012.  I recently went to the Prince concert and was jammin’ to “I wanna party like its 1999” thinking “OMG, that was 13 years ago?!”.

Time goes by so fast and this year will fly by too so now that it has started I want to ask you, what do you have planned to make 2012 the most kick butt, amazing, fantastic year of your life?


goal setting dream big

Using my niece Delaney as a head rest while I dream up what 2012 has in store for me!

I recently did an interview with The Huffington Post about New Year’s resolutions and if I believe they work. While I don’t personally set “resolutions”, I am a HUGE believer in big dreams, goal setting, action plans, hard work and one question “how bad do you want it?” (doesn’t sound as sexy as New Years resolutions, I know!).  This is a question I get a lot from my chicks and in interviews, “How can you actually be successful at reaching your goals?” Well, here is my FIT CHICKS formula that has not failed me yet:


Chicks, make sure you do everything listed below in this order. You can’t skip one or only do it halfway. It may seem tedious but it works and is actually really fun!


I am talking HUGE pie in the sky ideas, if you had all the money, time, energy in the world…what do you want to achieve?


Now from your dreams, decide what it is you really want to make you happy. This is the one thing that so many people do not take the time to do but is so important to do!  You have to write down your goals: fitness, personal, professional.  Write them down but make sure they are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, timely and realisitic).  Here’s an example:  I want to lose 25lbs by June 2012.


Now you have the dream and the goal, how are you going to get there? You need a plan of attack. Again write down what your action plan is for the next 6 months  for each of your goals (ie I will go to the gym for 1 hour on Mon, Wed and Friday at 6pm.  I will pack my lunch for work everyday to ensure I eat healthy, unpackagaed, unprocessed foods). It will keep you focused.


Any goal is attainable if you are willing to do the work to get there – no matter how big! Are you doing everything you can to get what you truly want? Are your  actions reflecting what you say you want (ie. You want to lose 25 lbs but are skipping the gym and eating processed foods?) Be real here, chick – it can be tough but setting goals and sticking to your plan will make you visually see you can do it.


This is my favorite and most important part of this process. You have dreamed, set goals, made your action plan, are willing to do the work to get there. Now this is where are bodies are programmed to let a little bit of self doubt creep in, a nagging little chirping that might say “That dream is too big, you are crazy!” or “OMG, I have to do all that to get there?!).  This is where you have to take a step back and ask yourself “How bad do I want it?”. Because when you want something bad enough, you push that voice away, you do whatever it takes and you get it (like Jen, from my Toronto Danforth Bootcamp who just reached her goal of losing 100lbs– woot woot!) ! Make sure you find that passion inside because it is this fire that will get you anything you want in life and make you successful at everything you do.

Here is video Amanda sent to me recently ironically called “How Bad Do you want it?” that inspired her for this New Year.  I love it! Make sure to watch the whole thing. He really starts talking around 2min but there are also some great conditioning moves (walking plank pushups with weights – crazy!) and is also some great eye candy too;)

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful”

So, chicks – what’s in store for you in 2012?  I have big plans but you will have to wait until next week to find them out:)

Make today fabulous,

Laura, your Head Chick xo

PS Bootcamps start Jan 9th…add it to your action plan!  I expect to see y’all there and that is an order 🙂