Hey Chicks!
This past weekend I went to a great seminar about raw foods – and got to try some fantastic raw recipes!
Raw food are, well, foods that are in their raw natural state. Nothing is heated above 116 degrees farenheit because it destroys the enzymes and some of the nutrients in the food.
It’s great to eat tons of fruits and veggies – but it’s even better if you are eating tons of RAW fruits and veggies, like salads, smoothies and juices (ones you juice yourself, not the packaged kind). Other raw foods include raw nuts and seeds, sea vegetables, sprouts, and other specialty raw products.
I’m not saying you throw out your stove and become a raw foodist (unless that’s your thing, then go for it!) But including raw foods in your diet with give a your nutrition a huge boost!
Try to include at least one raw food with each meal, like sliced fruits with your brekkie, a raw salad with your lunch, a smoothie or handful of raw nuts with your snack and another small raw salad with dinner.
This is a subject I am really excited to learn more about and am going to be taking a raw cooking class in November, so I’ll keep you posted!
Talk to you later, Chicks!
Sis 🙂