High Protein Breakfast Recipe
Hey Chicks!
Sadly, I have to announce the end of me writing for Mama Chick Monday’s. There are some exciting changes coming up for this Chick and my Chicklets. More things are coming up on my plate, and to feel balanced mentally and physically, I have had to give up a few things in my life – Mama Chick being one of them. I believe it’s just as important for your health to live a low-stress, relaxed life as it is to exercise regularly and eat right. I know a lot of times the words “Busy Mom” go hand in hand, but I feel better when I am not so busy, when I have time to actually spend with my girls instead of shuttling them off into a million activities, and I have time to spend cooking food and eating with my family. Trust me, I will still be busy, but I feel better when my plate is almost full, not overloaded! (Same thing goes with eating!)
So Chicks, I hope you have enjoyed my posts, ideas and recipes. You can still comment on the blog anytime and the other members of the FIT CHICKS team will be more than happy to answer your questions!
I’m going to leave you with my new fave breakfast recipe – Mexican Eggs. It’s super high in protein and fibre and will keep you full all morning. Enjoy!
Mexican Eggs – Serves 1
1/2 cup egg whites
1 whole egg
1/4 cup refried beans
1/4 cup salsa
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1/2 sliced avocado
Cook eggs like an omelet in a non-stick pan. Spread with refried beans and lay sliced avocado on top. Top with salsa and a dollop of yogurt. Enjoy!
Have a FABULOUS Monday Chicks!
Sarah xx