Our Chick of the Month for July / Aug is Anne from our Toronto North G.I. JANE Bootcamp!
When we first met Anne, she was looking to shed some baby weight, get fitter and have some “me” time every week. Well, she did more than that!
To date, Anne has lost over 20 pounds, 11 inches off her body and has turned herself into one lean, mean CHICKTASTIC butt – kicking machine!
OUR “Barbara Walters style” INTERVIEW WITH ANNE
FC- How long have you been sweating up a storm with FIT CHICKS?
AS- I’ve been attending G.I. Jane Bootcamp since the very first class in the park – last Sept 08!
FC – What have your results been like? What were your initial goals?
AS – I have lost over 20lbs and 11 inches to date. Each session is measured not only by weight loss, but also by my overall well being. I feel fabulous …and each session more so! (which also means the baby weight has come off!!!) My initial goals were just to start feeling better, get fitter and use the couple hours a week as “me time”!
FC- What is your fave FIT CHICK exercise?
AS – Its hard to cut it into just one … my favourite exercise is skipping with a real jump rope, but I also love to run … not necessarily the “chick runs” though!
FC – Were you intimidated when you first signed up for G.I. JANE Bootcamp?
AS- I definitely find the class to be inviting and accessible! The Head Chicks (when we were lucky to have both Amanda and Laura teaching together) make sure that everyone feels included and motivated. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a butt kicking workout but when you have someone there who makes you believe you can do it, it is amazing what you are capable of.
FC – What is your definition of a FIT CHICK?
AS – To me, a Fit Chick is someone who has a balance of strength, both mental and physical and can do at least 25 “real” push ups 😉
Chickeriffic Work, Anne – keep it up!