Mama Chick Monday – My New Peanut Buttery Discovery

A Lower Calorie Peanut Butter


Hey Chicks!

Hope you all had a fab weekend and are enjoying this heat wave we are having all over Canada.

Now I’ll have you know that I am a nut butter addict. Certain nut butters tempt me more than others – like I have no control where almond butter is concerned! Peanut butter I enjoy daily – and I do buy the natural one where the ingredients are just peanuts – but it still is a calorie dense food. It’s about 100 calories per tablespoon (but honestly, most peoples heaping tablespoons are more like 2).

Last year, FIT CHICKS did a review of PB2 – a product I loved and used until my 12 jars ran out. Unfortunately the jars were tiny and pretty expensive – and they contained a touch of added sugar.

After searching around the internet, I discovered that peanut flour is basically PB2 – sans sugar and salt. And it’s pretty cheap too! I found it here in Canada for 7.49 for a 1 pound bag – which will get you about 60 tablespoons of nut butter.

Here are the nutrition facts for this fab flour – 1 tablespoon dry has 27 calories, 1 gram of fat, 4 grams of protein and 1 gram of fibre. Sounds pretty good to me!

So how did it compare? It mixed just as well, it just needed a little “something”. A pinch of salt and a hint of sweetener (I used splenda, but you could use sugar, stevia or a tiny squeeze of agave). Perfect! You can play around with it – make really thick PB, or thin it down to pour over oatmeal – yum! It’s also great for making thai peanut sauces or adding to smoothies. Feeling chocolately? Stir in a spoonful of cocoa and you have chocolate peanut butter.

This morning I topped my protein pancake with it.  A delicious way to start my day!

Tell me Chicks – do you love PB? What’s your fave way to eat it? Mine is straight from the spoon!