Mama Chick Monday – My Top 10 Healthy Eats to Buy in Bulk

Hey Chicks!

A few weeks back I had a couple of posts about saving money on your groceries. I mentioned in the article that I just love Costco, however not everything is worth buying in bulk and not everything is cheaper there. Well this week I wanted to share with you my top favourite items that I always stock up on.

1. Whole almonds – they are by far the best price. If you have portion control issues with nuts, take the time and put individual servings (about 20 nuts) into snack size ziploc baggies and throw in the freezer. Great for a grab n’ go snack!

2. Almond Milk – this is my fave non-dairy milk. Boxes of the unsweetened come to about $1.50 a carton…sweet!

3. Egg White Cartons – I generally use the whole egg, but sometimes I just want a HUGE omelet and egg whites can really bulk up the volume. They are pure protein and contain hardly any calories.

4. Yogurt – by far the cheapest greek yogurt I have ever seen. High protein, low in fat and fabulous!

5. Frozen Fish – especially great for single Chicks. Their mahi mahi and tuna is packaged in individual portions so it will last you a while in the freezer.


6. Salsa – not the jarred kind, but the fresh salsa is inexpensive, delicious and contains only natural ingredients.

7. Almond Butter – I have to limit myself since I am a nut butter addict. But if you have self control, it’s a great deal!

8. Frozen Fruit – I love frozen fruit. It’s great for smoothies because it keeps them nice and cold, and it doesn’t go bad! In fact, frozen can have more nutrients that fresh because it’s flash frozen as soon as it’s ripened. I like mixed berries and mangoes, and for a treat I love frozen cherries to make a chocolate cherry smoothie!

9. Protein Powder – I use protein powder occasionally for smoothies or to add to yogurt if I am craving something sweet or chocolately. Costco has a great brand and it’s cheaper than any supplement store.

10. Larabars – if you can handle these in your possession without overindulging, these are fantastic bars to keep in your purse or car for when the hungries strike. They also make a fab pre-workout snack. The ingredients are merely nuts and fruits. I freeze them – they are a little less tempting when rock solid!

Am I missing anything, Chicks? What’s your fave Bulk Buy?