Day 5 – Drink Your Water

Hey Chicks!

Just a quick little post for today. I know you already know that you need to drink water daily to be healthy and fit, so I won’t bore you with the details. I have a hard time keeping up my water intake, but it’s one of my goals to consistently water_glassget 8 glasses a day (although you do need a little more on workout days). It sounds like a lot, but in reality my water glasses hold 2 cups, and my stainless steel water bottle holds 4, so it’s totally doable. Let’s all work on getting our water intakes up a bit. Try for 2 cups first thing in the morning, then 2 cups with each meal and a bottle of water when you exercise. That doesn’t sound so bad, right?

I have some fun video blog posts coming up for the next week…(if I can only figure out how to upload the videos!)

Hope you Chicks are all having a fab weekend!

Until tomorrow, Sis 🙂