Hey Chicks!!
I guess there are still people out there that don’t eat first thing, but I am not one of them! Nothing gets me going in the morning more than a healthy, hearty brekkie. Most days I start off with steel cut oats. I make them in the slow cooker the night before and usually top them with blueberries, almonds and flax seed. I love having a hot breakfast waiting for me when I come downstairs, plus the Chicklets just adore oatmeal. Eggs are another fave – yes, the yolk is good for you too! – most morning the Chicklets say “I want eat eggs!” (it’s their longest sentence…lol). Since they don’t have the patience to wait while I cook them, I keep a batch of hard boiled ones in the fridge for my demanding girls!
I find when I start day off with a healthy meal, it creates momentum for me to make healthy choices all day long. So if you aren’t already, start eating a healthy breakfast within an hour of rolling out of bed. And if you’re one of those Chicks who can’t stomach food early in the morning, grab a fresh fruit smoothie – no excuses!!
enjoy your day, Chicks!
Sis 🙂