Chicktastic Tips for Valentine’s Day

Hey chicks!

We know Valentine’s Day is coming up with lots of tempting treats!


Life is all about balance. Yes you can have your treats, but you also have to be prepared to burn ‘em off! There are plenty of Valentine’s Day activities to get your heart pumping and burn off mucho calories – and they don’t all require having a partner! Love yourself and take care of your fabulous bod. Whether single or part of a two-some, Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate being a FABULOUS FIT CHICK!

Here are our top five fave V-Day calorie burners!


Walk With Someone You Love
This could be a walk with your honey, your dog, your kids or yourself! Take some time out for the special people in your life and burn 300 calories during your hour long stroll!

Cook up a Feast
Preparing food and cooking, instead of sitting in a restaurant, burns 135 calories an hour! Spend the time chatting with your loved ones as you chop, or sing along to your fave tunes if you are making a solo meal. Plus it’ll save you some cash too!

Dance the Night Away
Slow dancing with your love or going out on the town with the single girls is a great Valentine’s Day calorie scorcher. You can burn up to 350 calories an hour.

Pole Dancing and Burlesque
This one makes a fun surprise for your partner, or it could be a fun class to take with the girls (like our Sexy Chick Burlesque Workshop on Feb 5th!). Either way, at over 400 calories an hour it’s a fab workout that gives you strong legs and a tight booty!


Hugs and Kisses!
After you have your choccie fix – huggin’ and kissin’ will burn off those extra sugars. 1 hour of making out burns about 150 calories an hour – or about 7 Hershey’s Kisses – and it makes you feel amazing!

Have an amazing time preparing for Valentine’s Day, chicks! And we’d love to see you at our Sexy Chick Workshop this weekend!

Have a FAB day, chicks!