Vegas….Chick Style!!!

Hey Chicks!

I’m back from my mini vacay over to Vegas for the Ultimate BBOY Championships and it was AWESOME!



Ultimate BBOY Championships

These dancers were CRAZY! The amount of strength, coordination and skill it takes to move your body - not to mention no fear - it was like watching an athletic competition (with way better music!)



One of things I always find the hardest when going away to a place like Vegas is not completely blowing my healthy eating and workouts.  Don’t get me wrong, I am all about recharging your batteries and having some chick time but I am the type of person who is all or nothing.  I am in or out.  Black or white.  One of my New Year’s resolutions this year was to learn how to balance more so I took it to heart this trip and found some sweet strategies that allowed me to have a super fab time and not coming home with an extra 5 -10lbs to remind me of how much fun I had!


Laura’s Top Tips for Vacationing – Chick Style!


1. RECOGNIZE YOUR WEAKNESSES! My 2 downfalls on vacation are cocktails and desserts. Since I know I am going to indulge in these, I know in advance what sitches are going to involve these delicious little devils.

In my hotel room, post workout having a little garden salad with hard bolied eggs for lunch - yummy!

In my hotel room, post workout having a little garden salad with hard bolied eggs for lunch - yummy!



2. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN! It is vacation so you don’t want to be on a strict regime but since my weaknesses are a little vino and cheesecake, I know these typically happen at dinner time. Knowing that, I made sure my breakie and lunch are on the lighter side (ie. egg white omelet for breakie and salad with tuna or eggs for lunch) so I have more “breathing” room at dinner without having to put on my buffet pants (I literally have a a pair I call buffet pants!)


3. GET TO STEPPIN! One of the best parts of vacay is checking out your surroundings.  And what better way to do it than with 2 feet and a heartbeat! Walk as much as you can (I did about 20k steps a days which equals about 1000 calories burned).  Also, swim, dance, laugh (such a great ab workout!) – all these keep that extra brownie staying off your toosh!


I also did a little hotel room workout which I will def be posting shortly that you can do in just 20 min / day!


RESULTS – I had an AMAZING time, didn’t feel like I was missing out and NO HOLIDAY WEIGHT GAIN – yay!!


We all love extra tips to stay on track so please post anything you do to help you keep on track while travelling and I will be sure to share!



Laura, Your Head Chick xoxo