FIT CHICKS Chat Episode 203 – Discovering Oz


Hey chicks,

A few weeks ago Laura and I went to the amazing Click Funnels conference where we were able to hear some incredible speakers, be engaged with a fantastic community and build on our skills as online business owners. One of the most perfect speakers we listened to was Stacey Martino. Her story, message and delivery was exceptional and the concept unforgettable.

Today I want to share what she was talking about in discovering your Oz but looking at it from not only your consumer point of view but also from your own with your business and life.

I am beyond excited to share this idea as it is one we 100% align with and feel as business owners we all need to adapt in order to be successful in our quest to help serve with our message and our passion.

So lets dive in and chat all about Discovering Oz!

Main Points:

  • What I mean by Oz
  • Why finding Oz is the key to unlock your consumers needs
  • How to focus on this end result
  • Where so many businesses and business owners get it wrong
  • How to adapt this concept to your own life today!



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Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo

*For informational purposes only. Please consult a physician before starting an exercise program