EPISODE 28 – FIT CHICKS Chat: Top 4 fitness mistakes to AVOID ruining your progress!

Hey Chicks,

So you finished up your workout for the day, leave your sweat session feeling fab and then do ONE of these fitness faux pas’s – without even knowing it – that are completely sabotaging your results!!

What you do AFTER your workout is just as important as what you do during.  By doing 4 small things after your workout you can burn more fat, build more muscle, increase energy and get healthier with something as simple as a habit shift.

Now what are they?  You have to listen to find out!


In this episode, the Head Chicks take you through:

  • The Top 4 Post Workout fitness sins that could be ruining your progress
  • What you should be doing instead to rev up your results
  • Laura’s & Amanda’s top tips to making these easy changes for the long haul so you will stop sabotgaing all of your hard work and reaping the fitness benefits for good!

So get comfy and ready to listen! See below for details and click on the player to listen or subscribe to Itunes to download weekly


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And if you have a question about fitness, nutrition, wellness or business that you would like us to give our 2 cents about or have any feedback about the show, simply email us at info@fitchicks.ca …we would love to hear from you!

Happy Listening!

Laura & Amanda – FIT CHICKS xo