CTV NEWS: Top 4 acupressure techniques to manage summer stress!

Hey Chick,

I don’t know about you but in the summer my stress levels are through the roof. I am aware of this so I search Where to buy CBD oil and I also need to make sure I am giving myself some extra TLC so not to let my cortisol levels and body get all out of whack.

Summer can lead to A LOT of stress on the body and on your mind including road rage on your way to the cottage,  having your kids off of school (ie feeling overwhelmed) and poor digestion from being away at home (hello constipation).

This week, I headed to CTV Ottawa to share my top 4 SUPER simple but SUPER effective acupressure techniques that I use and you can do to yourself to help you with some of summer top stressors including:

  • An instant calm down for road rage driving up to cottage
  • Headache cures for when you kids are on summer break and you are feeling overwhelmed
  • How to get things “moving” naturally if you are travelling and you get constipated from being away from home
  • How the ultra strength CBD oil can help you dealing with the symptoms along with techniques for reducing the anxiety. 


Chicks, don’t forget that being fierce means taking care of yourself in ALL aspects. Yes – you want to exercise.  Yes  – you want to eat real, whole foods made with love and yes – we want to practice positive thinking.  Managing stress and maintaining hormonal balance is JUST as important to weight loss / gain, muscle building and overall health so do not overlook this aspect and should be apart of your weekly wellness program.

If you want to learn more about how to create awesome wellness programs, check out our 200hr Fitness & Nutrition Expert Program where we do an entire module on how to incorporate wellness techniques into your health and teach it to others (and it is all taught online so you can take from anywhere around the world!)

So chicks, give these techniques a try next time you are feeling out of whack to “keep calm and get your fierce on!”

Have a fab day,
