5.5 inches down, 2x push ups (almost!) & a fierce new lifestyle: Jackie’s weightloss & fitness journey

Hey Chicks,

So March is here and we are all still wondering where the warm weather is?!  So even though the temp isn’t getting better, we thought let’s get all warm and fuzzy from the inside by celebrating an amazing Chick of the Month story…meet the Fierce Jackie from our Etobicoke Bootcamp!

The Fierce Jackie taking exploring India!

Jackie started her fitness journey with us in the Fall of 2013. Needing a fun, weekly program to keep her accountable and consistent and make sure she makes her health a priority (and leave work on time!), she gave our Etobicoke location a try and fell in love with chick power. And we love her!  She shows up every week with her gorgeous smile, is a superstar supporter of her fellow chicks and BRINGS IT full force – inside of class and out!

Finding her fierceness out of class too


1. What made you decide to join FIT CHICKS?

I lack the discipline to work out on my own. Several years ago I bought a home gym.  Not the best use of my money.  I make much better use of the gym now with the Fierce in 8 program I also like knowing that there is a group of ladies that hold me accountable when I don’t come. Your absence is noticed and that motivates me to do whatever I have to in order to make the 2 classes a week.

2.   What is the biggest change you have seen in your life since joining FIT CHICKS?  How has fitness and nutrition changed your life for the better?

I try not to focus on weight.  At 5’8” I will not weigh 140lbs and be healthy.  Instead I measure success based on how I feel and how my clothes fit. I am only 3 camps in to this journey but have already noticed that some of my suits are a wee bit big – so far mostly in the waist but it has to start somewhere. I have dropped 5.5 inches overall so far. I have changes in my fitness test including:

Burpees start 17  / Now 21
Push Ups Start 15 / Now 26
Jump Squats 40 / now 47


I still struggle a little bit on the nutrition side.  Did I mention I consider this a journey… Signing up for class also ensures I leave work at a reasonable time twice a week to do something for me.  With my job, that is sometimes hard to accomplish.

3. Have you tried any FIT CHICKS recipes?  If so what was your favorite?

I have made the omelet muffins.  They are very good!

4. What tools do you use to keep you on a healthy track outside of class? Do you use the FIT CHICKS Workout Map?

So it is confession time.  Until the launch of the Fierce in 8 program I was still not really doing a lot outside of classes.  I love the Workout Map! I don’t have to guess, hum and ha about doing the same old cardio again, I just follow the map.


5.  If you could give one piece of positive advice to a chick just starting on her fitness journey, what would it be?

Stick with it. I am not sure it will ever get any easier but you will notice how much more you can do each and every week.

6.  Do you have a healthy trick or tip that you use that you could share?

In addition to lacking discipline, I have no will power.  I use the “if you should not eat it, don’t buy it” approach to grocery shopping.

5. What is your fave FIT CHICKS Signature workouts & why?

I love the circuits.  Those classes go really fast 🙂

Awesome job chick and keep up the fierce work!


PS March “FIERCE in 8” starts this week and you can still get in on the healthy fun (plus save $50 off when you enter code fiercespring).  Also, we are closed for March Break so don’t worry about losing your classes!

What even more FIT CHICK love? Only 18 days til our next FIT CHICKS weekend retreat at the awesome Horseshoe Resort…and it is gonna be a doozy!