CHALLENGE WEEK 3: It’s time to give YOU some love!

Hey Chicks,

We are now in Week 3 of the 28 Day Livin La Vida FIT CHICK Challenge!

After week 2, you should be feeling awesome after doing Principle 1 (Moving everday for 30-60 min) and Principle 2 (Eating REAL, Whole Foods made with Love!)! Now we are in the full groove of adding fitness & nutrition, its time to add a little self love to the mix!

For Week 3 of the challenge, we are focusing on “Livin La Vida FIT CHICK Principle 3: GIVE YOURSELF LOVE”

The most important person in your life is you ! And you have to put you & your health first. If you are not good as you, you cannot be good to anyone else (ie friends, family, career) or reach your full awesome potential! It is also one of the most overlooked areas when trying to be the most fabulous you and is just as important to your health as exercise and eating healthy.

This week there is again a simple task each day to focus on you and give yourself some love. Each task will help you relax, recharge and rejuvenate. Believe us chicks — when you start adding some self love to your daily life, your entire life will change in ways you never thought possible!

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget about Livin La Vida FIT CHICK Principle #1 & 2! We are still going to be moving every day for 30 – 60 min and eating real, whole foods made with love. Now doing Principle 1, 2 & 3 together, you are going to feel even more AMAZING than last week!

Have a SUPER AWESOME week!


PS – And don’t forget chicks, March Zumba and Bootcamps are posted so make sure to sign up:)