CHALLENGE WEEK 2: Are you adding REAL, WHOLE foods made with LOVE?

Hey Chicks,

We are now in Week 2 of the 28 Day Livin La Vida FIT CHICK Challenge! How has everything been going?

After week 1 of adding 30-60 min of exercise everyday
, you must be feeling awesome and now we are taking it to the next level while we focus on adding a super energy charged nutrients that taste absolutely DELICIOUS to get you livin (& lovin) eating clean!

For Week 2 of the challenge, we are focusing on “Livin La Vida FIT CHICK Principle 2: Eat REAL, WHOLE foods made with LOVE”

You are what you eat. Forget the calories and let’s start focusing on the QUALITY of the food we eat to nourish our bodies, help prevent diseases & feel the BEST we can! By focusing on ADDING real, whole foods, there will be less room for packaged and processed foods. You’ll start feeling and looking better, CHANGE your body, weight, mood, confidence, skin (we could go on and on) – no deprivation required!

This week is a little different as there will be a simple task each day to move you along the path towards a whole foods lifestyle.

It doesn’t matter where you are starting from. Follow our suggestions included in your 28 Day Livin la Vida FIT CHICK Challenge EBook and slowly start adding more fabulous, healthy foods into the mix.

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget about Livin La Vida FIT CHICK Principle #1! We are still going to be moving every day for 30 – 60 min. Now doing Principle 1 and 2 together, you are going to feel even more AMAZING than last week!

Any q’s, send em our way!
Your Head Chick, Laura

PS Don’t forget that our March Bootcamps are posted online and filling fast! Grab your spots ow chicks – livin la vida FC does a body good!