Hey Chicks!
Head Chick Amanda coming to you live from NASA Space Station Training – OK OK I am so kidding! Like as if I would ever go to outer space, I mean can you really imagine me with all of my high energy being cooped up on a shuttle heading out of our solar system?! Not a chance, I can barely handle a car ride longer than 4 hours!
In all reality this pic was taken at the Toronto Sleep and Pulmonary Centre while I was there to get my lung capacity tested because believe me this chick has NO problems sleeping – as soon as my head hits the pillow I am out like a light!
Since January of this year I have been having some strange episodes of shortness of breath and wheezing with no real reason in my mind behind it. So I went to my family doctor who suggested I might have Asthma. This to me is super brand new since I have never been diagnosed nor had breathing issues in the past but since this issue keeps returning I figured it is best to get checked to find out for sure.
For Pulmonary Function testing they had me sit in this glass “chamber” and breathe into this machine which detects the power of your lungs with your inhales and exhales. You have to plug your nose while doing all the breathing tests – hence the fancy nose plug I have on lol this is to ensure all breathes come only from your mouth.
During my time there we did all different types of breathing exercises, some long inhales and fast exhales, short panting type breathes and long inhales followed by long exhales and then holding my breath at the end. The tricky part to all of this was this machine was not just counting my inhales and exhales it would at times seal so I could not breathe anything in or out and this is usually when the nurse would ask me to keep exhaling or inhaling more. I am going to assume this was not a trick and just a way in which they really can tell how strong your lungs really can function. I have to say that this was not a walk in the park there were times the nurse kept asking me to breathe out and there was like nothing in me, I had to squeeze my abs so tight to try and find anything left!
After about half an hour or so of testing it was all done and I was released from my glass chamber lol.
Right now I am just waiting for my results to come in and to see what the next steps are but I will be sure to keep y’all posted as I feel it is important to not only be honest about my own experience but also to share them as you never know who is going through the same thing.
So please chicks, the moral of this story is not only to show you my sweet new nose plug but also to say if you are ever having any doubts about your healthy or anything funky going on – GET CHECKED OUT. I mean it may be nothing but you are better to know for sure than to self-diagnose!
Stay healthy chicks and see you soon!
Amanda xo