SPECIAL GUEST BLOG: Simple tips for a healthier, more fab you!

Hey Chicks,

Even though 2012 kicked off 9 days ago, today is our official “New Year” at FIT CHICKS! Our first bootcamps of the year start tonight, today is the kick off of our 28 Day Total Body Clean Up Challenge and we have new FC Gear (including pedometers!) available on our online store.  So to help you kick off the FIT CHICKS New Year, we have asked the fab Dani from Body By Nature to come back and share some of her simple tips for a healthier, more fab you this year…check it out!

A Healthier Year – By Danielle Felip

CHICKS, the start of a new year is a really great time to work towards goals but doesn’t the word resolution seem big and scary? Often we get in the mind set that we need to lose a certain number of pounds or give up certain things to be healthier and happier and while this can spur motivation, it was also create a lot of pressure.

Changes to be healthier don’t have to be large scale; even a few small adjustments in your daily life can have a long-term positive impact. Here are a few simple ideas you can add in to your routine to make 2012 a healthier year

Dani’s Simple Tips to a Healthier, More fab you!


Try having a glass of water with lemon upon rising. This is great for hydrating the body and aiding in detoxification.

Ensure you have colourful fruits and veggies at each meal. Eating a rainbow of colourful fruits and vegetables provides valuable antioxidants, minerals and phytochemicals which helps prevent obesity, illness and disease.

Don’t forget to floss. It’s true, flossing can help reduce the risk of heart disease, tooth decay and bad breathe.

Make simple switches. Eat white bread? Switch to whole grain bread. Use refined sugars? Try natural sugars such as maple syrup, stevia or coconut sugar. Like cookies? Me too. Have 2 instead of 3.

Positive self talk. It’s easy to look in the mirror and nit-pick all of our flaws. Why not give yourself some love and each time you look in the mirror say something nice to yourself. Positive affirmations can go a long way.

Keep fit. Exercise releases brain chemicals that make us feel great. It also gives us confidence and is a great way to develop friendship and social interaction. Sign up for a 4 or 8 week Fit Chicks Bootcamp and start your year off on a healthy note!

Thanks Dani (and for the plug at the end lol) – we are going to grab our floss as we type:)

Chicks, if you have any tips that have been working for you – please share!

Have a fab day,