SPECIAL GUEST BLOG – Are you getting in your greens?

Hey Chicks,

Happy Thursday!  First of all, we are super sorry that Wellness Wednesday was not posted this week.  Head Chick Laura has been feeling a little under the weather but will be back to attack in her post next week.  To make up for it, we have an awesome special guest blog post again from the fab Dani from the blog “Body by Nature” to help you get your greens in this time of year (and keep your immune system working at tip top shape to make sure you can keep kicking butt at bootcamp and in all areas of your life!)

It’s Time to Get Your Green On!

By Danielle Felip

CHICKS, if the only green veg you’re regularly eating is iceberg lettuce it’s time to change things up!  There is a whole world of dark green leafy vegetables that you include in your diet!

Why should you eat dark green leafy vegetables?

Dark green leafy veggies are packed full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.  Their consumption has been proven to reduce the risk of disease such as Type 2 Diabetes and cancer as well as promote overall good health.

Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in green vegetables as well as algae.  It is essentially the sun’s energy!  Think of chlorophyll like the plant’s blood, it is similar in structure to the hemoglobin found in human blood.  Pretty cool!

Leafy greens are high in vitamins A, C and K, Calcium, Magnesium and Iron as well as fiber, which will help keep you feeling full and promote elimination (aka pooping!) 

Fat soluble vitamins (vitamins A and K) are best absorbed when eaten with foods containing a little fat or oil, try adding avocado, nuts, seeds or extra virgin olive oil to your salad to enhance absorption.

Make sure that you chew chew chew!  To release the nutrients found in the cells of greens, we need to chew well in order to rupture the cell walls.

What are some examples of dark green leafy vegetables?

Kale – There are several varieties including curly, dinosaur and ornamental kale.  This veggie is a rich source of calcium, quercetin (an antioxidant) and indole-3-carboxylic acid (a compound that has been found to have anti-cancer properties.)

Spinach – The dark leafy green that made Popeye strong!  Super versatile and a little bit on the  mellow side, spinach is a great ‘starter’ green if you’re new to the dark green leafy veg family.  Spinach contains the phytonutrient lutein, which is important for maintaining healthy eyes.

Swiss Chard – Pick up a beautiful bunch of rainbow chard and be amazed!  The leaves are green with gorgeous red, white and yellow stalks.  Chard has anti carcinogen properties and tonifies the blood.

Collards – Instead of making a sandwich wrap using whole wheat grain try using a collard leaf!  Collards contain potent anticancer, antiviral, antibiotic and antioxidant properties…these are all good things! 

Other greens include –watercress, mustard greens, beet greens, romaine lettuce, dandelion greens and wheatgrass.

How can you eat them?

If the idea of dark green veggies seems intimidating, fear not!  Go slow and be adventurous!  Adding a bit of chopping kale or a salad or greens to a smoothie is a great place to start.

Try out this basic green smoothie that’s a little bit sweet and you will forget why you ever had iceberg lettuce in the first place!

FIT CHICKS Basic Green Smoothie

Gorgeous Green - your basic green smoothie

Dani’s Basic Green Smoothie


1 banana, raw or frozen (1 bunch $1.29)
1 cup mango, frozen (1 bag $4.99)
2 generous handfuls spinach (Small container $3.99)
1 scoop protein powder (Genuine Health Vegan Protein Vanilla $19.99)
2 cups filtered water

1. Combine all ingredients and blend until relatively smooth (if using a high-powered blender this will take no time at all)

Once you get the hang of it, start experimenting with different ingredients. Always change up your greens and try a variety of superfoods, fruits and vegetables.

Thanks Dani for the awesome info…we are off to make a little kale, mint, cocoa smoothie (tastes like chocolate mint!).  Chicks, what are your fave green smoothis combos?

Have a fab day!
PS.  December “Holiday Express” 2 week bootcamps are now posted online or registration to keep you on track (did you know the average chick can gain up to 12 lbs during holiday season..yikes!).