Mama Chick Monday – Healthy Picnic Ideas

Hey Chicks!

I just love summer – and what could be more fun than a picnic at the beach?

Except the day we decided on our picnic happened to be the first day of crap weather we have had in a while. Nonetheless, I promised the girls and they were so excited. So off we went with Granny for a fun and wet afternoon.

Picnics often drum up memories of fried chicken, creamy potato and macaroni salads, sandwiches, baked goods and lots of other unhealthy delights. But not ours!

Here’s what was in my picnic basket:

  • Eggs – hard boiled eggs are a fabulous hand held snack!
  • Veggies  – zucchini, onion, peppers and mushrooms which we skewered and cooked on the outdoor bar-b-q, plus some raw carrot and celery sticks to munch on.
  • Chicken – precook chicken skewers at home. They are delicious and easy to eat on a picnic!
  • Salads – (I forgot to pack this, but I meant to!) Quinoa salads, greek salads, homemade healthy slaws – all are great in your cooler!
  • Fresh fruit – yummy summery fruits like watermelon, mangoes and berries
  • Yogurt – plain greek yogurt (which we topped the fresh fruit with!)
  • Water – plain water is the best bevvie for a picnic (this was one for the kiddies, so alcohol wasn’t even considered…lol)

Now I admit – it wasn’t a TON of food. But just because you are at a picnic or a bar-b-q doesn’t mean you have to stuff yourself! I felt nicely satisfied and not overstuffed or bloated. There was also no bread – but as I have said before, I like to limit our intake of processed carbs and get carbs from fresh fruit, veggies and sometimes whole grains.

What’s your fave healthy food to pack in your picnic basket?

Have a fab week!
