Looking for new fitness ideas – check out your local library!
Hey Chicks!
Yesterday I was pleasently reminded that you dont always have to go out and buy the newest healthy cookbook or the latest workout video that you might not end up liking – instead you can borrow them from the library for free! The library is filled with books on health and wellness, Fitness DVD’s, pedometers to borrow and they even have CD’s – umm I think my chicks in class might be listening to Busta Ryhmes next class lol.
I forgot how many gems the library has and was super pumped to leave there yesteday with some DVD’s and a cookbook.
Here’s what I borrowed:
- National Geographic Most Amazing Moments Caught on Tape – not fitness related but awesome!
- Kiss your Fat Goodbye – a Documentry about how to lose weight effectively and avoid fad diets etc. I have not watched this one yet but will give you a full review ASAP
- I also was able to borrow the Looneyspoons Cookbook from the library. This is one of my all time favorite books for healthy eating and I figure it will help me reach my goal this month of trying a new recipe a week!
Honestly, I know it sounds nerdy but I cant wait to head back and cruise the shelves to see what other books I may find next!
Chicks, what are your fave healthy recipe books? I would love to check them out!
Have a fab day!
Amanda xo